O hai there!

Welcome to our foodie travel blog. Follow along as we eat and explore our way around the world!

Retro time: 50 and counting!

Retro time: 50 and counting!

Yesterday marked our 50th consecutive day on the road and we're still going strong! We haven't really been homesick yet, though we do miss our little furbaby a great deal. We've been really lucky that we've been able to meet up with friends in almost every country we've visited so far; that's helped a lot with keeping us rooted and not homesick. It's hard to believe that we've seen so much already and are still barely a quarter through our trip!

Before we left on this trip, we were often asked whether we would get sick of one another as our only companion. Eric and I didn't think it'd be a problem for us and so far, we were right. We've pretty much spent every second together for the past 50 days and are still enjoying each other's company (awww!). Sure we've had our little tiffs but he rides out my mood swings and I get through his energy level shifts (he goes completely brain dead when it's too hot). If anything, I think this trip is strengthening our relationship as we learn how to complement each other further (i.e. I'm learning how to program manage him better each day). 

Since we didn't plan out every detail of our trip ahead of time and wanted to be flexible, this means that we have a lot of homework to do on a consistent basis. We are constantly researching the next place we are visiting, looking for lodging and planning excursions and how to get around. This is where the PMing comes in, as Eric and I try to balance out what needs to be done and what we're each better at. It's been a lot of work so don't be too jealous, this trip hasn't been all fun and games. Being the planners that we are, we've got most of the second half of our trip planned out already and we are really looking forward to when we don't have to do any more homework.

When we started this blog, we had several thoughts on what we wanted this to be. First and foremost was a means of communicating updates to our family and friends. Beyond that, we were open to the idea of making this blog a traveler's guide and possibly maintaining and expanding on it even after the conclusion of our trip. That's why some of our blog posts have been more how-to oriented instead of a general update.

Now that we've been on the road for a bit, and fallen behind on our blogging duties pretty regularly, we are realizing that being a blogger is a full time job and not one we are ready to commit to. When we read other travelers' blogs and see how they're making a living off of it and traveling the world, it seems like the ideal job and they're living the dream. But like everything else, it's a lot harder than it looks. To consistently blog takes dedicated time, time that is hard to find after long days of sightseeing, activities, and traveling, not to mention all the researching if you're planning as you go. I find it to also be a very vulnerable activity, just putting your thoughts out there for anyone to see. Those who know me know that I'm a pretty private person, especially when it comes to sharing personal details publicly, so this is quite a branching out for me. So to all the bloggers out there, props! And to our friends and family, sorry we are so terrible with keeping up to date and being active on social media in general. We're trying!

For now, we're going to continue making our way through southeast Asia and Eric will continue to do some soul searching on what he wants to be when he grows up. Angkor Wat seems like a good place for that, right? Though if it's too hot there, his brain just might shut down before he has a revelation. Guess we'll see what happens!

Singapore - Merlions, Snails, and Chili-Crabs, oh my!

Singapore - Merlions, Snails, and Chili-Crabs, oh my!

Monkeys in Malaysia

Monkeys in Malaysia