O hai there!

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Chillaxing in KL

Chillaxing in KL

Trip dates: November 18, 2016 - November 24, 2016

Our entry point to Southeast Asia was Singapore and our first stop was Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. We were staying in the Sheraton since we were told that it’s super cheap (by US standards) and really nice (thanks Clifton!) and the room was humongous compared to everywhere we’d stayed so far! It was really nice to be staying in a western hotel so we ended up taking it pretty easy in our couple of days in KL.

Clifton also had his friend KingHan take us around KL so we had our first meal with him at Wong Ah Wah, which is locate on a well known food street, Jahan Alor. We got a variety of dishes, including stingray which reminded us of swordfish and was pretty tasty. 

It was nice meeting KingHan when we first arrived in KL as we got some insight into the culture and what it’s like to live there. We also learned that there was a demonstration/walk the following day protesting the government and was advised to avoid going out at that time, since our hotel was right next to the planned path. We were more than happy to oblige and spent most of the day lounging around the pool and catching up on some homework (blogging and planning our next stops). 

In the evening, we ventured out and made our way to Chinatown to check out Petaling Street. I guess due to the demonstrations earlier in the day though, a lot of the vendors weren’t open so the normally busy street was pretty empty and devoid of people. 

We also checked out the Masjid Jamek mosque along the way, but there was so much construction and no where to get a nice shot of it. We also passed by the Sri Mahamariamman Temple where there was an Indian wedding going on! But they still let tourists in to see the temple so we checked it out while trying not to intrude too much on the wedding party.

Eric and I were thinking about going to the Batu Caves near KL as a day trip but recent trip reports showed that it was under construction with a lot of scaffolding. Plus, since it was so hot, we decided that another day by the pool sounded nice and didn’t venture out again until the late afternoon. We ended up booking tickets to the Petronas Twin Towers tour and checked out the views from up there. The tickets were kind of expensive so I don’t know if I’d recommend it, but I guess if you have nothing else to do, it’s a good way to check out the views from up top. We also went and did an escape room to kill some time before the KL nightly fountain show. We didn’t manage to escape though :( But in our defense, they didn’t come give us a clue even though we rang the little bell for like 5 minutes, which was really all the extra time we needed!

And here are some other random food pics from our time in Malaysia!

Monkeys in Malaysia

Monkeys in Malaysia

Singapore to Malaysia, flying not required

Singapore to Malaysia, flying not required