O hai there!

Welcome to our foodie travel blog. Follow along as we eat and explore our way around the world!

what about napa?

what about napa?

Napa is our sweet fluffy little brat and often the first thing people ask us about. So what are we going to do with her while we are away on our trip? This question was the one of the biggest hurdles keeping us from taking the leap. Luckily, we have some great friends who absolutely adore her and were willing to temporarily adopt her while we are gone. Napa has stayed with them in the past and she's always super excited to see them, probably because they feed her so well! I know she will be well taken care of while Eric and I are seeing the world. The big question I struggle with now is, will Napa still want to come home with us once we're back after she's spoiled rotten like the little princess she thinks she is?



New toys!

New toys!